About Us

We seek to encourage businesses to respect customers and external stakeholders who hold diverse viewpoints, promote freedom of thought in their workforces, and support a public culture of trust and tolerance in their giving and political activities.

Our Story

Viewpoint Diversity Score brings together leaders from business, civil society, and academia who are committed to preserving the freedom of expression and freedom of religion or belief in the market, workplace, and public square.

We recognize that powerful companies in the tech and financial services industries have emerged as de facto gatekeepers of essential services and become crucial mediums of expression in the digital public square. While many of these companies make important contributions to our economy and society, they undermine trust and the institutions of democratic self-government when they engage in censorship, enable cancel culture inside their organizations, or take divisive stands on controversial political issues.

That’s why we’re calling on companies to respect viewpoint diversity in how they do business, manage their workforces, and engage external stakeholders.

Through our Business Index and Resources we’re providing a roadmap for businesses to meaningfully respect customers, employees, shareholders, and other external stakeholders who hold diverse religious and ideological beliefs, foster viewpoint diversity in their workplaces, and reflect a commitment to the underlying principles of American democracy through their giving and political engagement. 

Viewpoint Diversity Score is a project of Alliance Defending Freedom, one of the nation’s most respected and successful Supreme Court advocates, working to preserve the fundamental freedoms of speech and religion for all Americans. Collaborating is Inspire Insight, a Christian financial technology firm informing investment decisions on billions of dollars around the globe.

Find out more about who is involved in this coalition below or visit our FAQ page for additional information. You can also contact us to learn about how you or your organization can get involved.


Viewpoint Diversity Score Team

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Download Bio

Jeremy Tedesco is Senior Counsel, Senior Vice President of Corporate Engagement at Alliance Defending Freedom. Tedesco is a leading voice in highlighting the threats that major corporations pose to the fundamental freedoms of every American.

While calling attention to these threats—which include the censorial aims of ESG, discriminatory DE&I policies, religious and political de-banking and more—Tedesco seeks to provide major corporations an off-ramp from woke corporatism by adopting policies that respect customers, shareholders, and employees at America’s top companies.

Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index

Tedesco, whose two-decade career in First Amendment litigation includes participating in three victories at the U.S. Supreme Court, spearheaded the launch of the Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index in 2022. The premier benchmark for measuring corporate respect for free speech and religious freedom, the Business Index scored 75 publicly traded corporations across 43 performance indicators in its second year (2023) and is scheduled to launch its third-year report in the Spring of 2024. 

Shareholder Engagement

Leveraging findings of the Index, Tedesco and his team at ADF are regularly involved in supporting shareholder proposals aimed at preventing viewpoint discrimination and providing much-needed transparency into decision-making at Big Tech and financial services corporations like Apple, JPMorgan Chase, and PayPal. 

Political and Religious De-banking

Tedesco and his team are also at the forefront of countering a dangerous trend of political and religious de-banking at major financial institutions. In early 2024, Tedesco testified before the U.S. House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government following revelations that the federal government had warned major banks that ADF was a potential “domestic terrorist” group. After Bank of America canceled ADF client Indigenous Advance Ministries’ account in 2023, Tedesco’s team successfully advocated for Tennessee’s first-of-its-kind consumer protection bill that prohibits big banks from canceling accounts based on constitutionally protected speech and religious exercise. 

Members of the ADF Viewpoint Diversity Team also include:

- Michael Ross, Legal Counsel

- Georgia Cline-Miller, Research Analyst

- Madeleine Kennedy, Research Analyst

- Courtney Day, Research Analyst

- Jay Hobbs, Strategic Campaigns & Initiatives Director

- Bob Pruitt, Sr. Counsel, Corporate Affairs Director

- Patrick Luchuk, Business Systems Analyst

- Marina Moreira, Corporate Engagement Program Administrator

Advisory Council

Image of Andrew Abela
Andrew Abela

Andrew Abela is the founding dean of the Busch School of Business and Ordinary Professor of Marketing at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

Image of David Bahnsen
David Bahnsen

David L. Bahnsen is the founder, Managing Partner, and Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group.

Image of Jerry Bowyer
Jerry Bowyer

Jerry Bowyer is a Forbes contributor, contributing editor of AffluentInvestor.com, and Senior Fellow in Business Economics at The Center for Cultural Leadership.

Image of Bob Doll
Bob Doll

Bob Doll serves as Chief Investment Officer (CIO) at Crossmark Global Investments. 

Image of Robert P. George
Robert P. George

Robert P. George is McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. 

Image of Matt Monson
Matt Monson

Matt Monson is a Partner and Portfolio Manager at Sovereign’s Capital with 16 years of experience in investing and finance. 

Image of Robert Netzly
Robert Netzly

Robert Netzly is the CEO of Inspire Investing and frequent contributor on FOX, Bloomberg, New York Times and other major media. 

Image of Andy Olivastro
Andy Olivastro

Andy Olivastro is vice president for outreach at The Heritage Foundation. 

Image of Peter Rex
Peter Rex

Peter Rex began working construction at 18 years old while attending community college. In 2005, after completing philosophy and government majors at Georgetown, he purchased his first property. 

Image of Mike Sharrow
Mike Sharrow

Mike Sharrow serves as President & CEO of C12 Business Forums, the global leader in CEO/Owner peer advisory groups for Christians serving more than 3,400 Members across the US, SE Asia and Brazil. 

Image of John Siverling
John Siverling

John Siverling is Director of Private Markets and Impact Advocacy for OneAscent, and President of OneAscent Capital LLC.